Coronavirus COVID-19 Update
As businesses throughout the region plan the safest way to reopen, Acme Paper offers
a variety of personal protective equipment (PPE) including face masks, hand and
surface sanitizers, disinfectants and more. Below are product guides for general
facilities maintenance, restaurants, and school systems.
As COVID-19 continues to spread across the globe, it is important to have both awareness of the
facts surrounding this serious issue, and more importantly, methods and procedures you can undertake
to prevent contamination. Acme Paper remains committed to be your local and regional source for
easy-to-use, effective cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection products.
Acme Paper Customer
National Restaurant Association
Re-Opening Guide
Coronavirus Facts:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is most commonly spread from an infected person to others through:
The air by coughing or sneezing
Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
Touching an object or surface with the virus on it; then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes
before washing your hands
Fecal contamination (rare)
While there are currently no vaccines available to protect you against human coronavirus infection,
the best methods of prevention include:
Proper hand hygiene - Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or use an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Covering your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing
-throw tissue away immediately and wash hands
Not touching eyes, nose, or mouth
Avoiding close contact with people who are sick and maintain social distance from others of
at least 6 ft while out in public
Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces contaminated with respiratory secretions from sick
people - pay special attention to high-tough surfaces including, door handles, light
switches, hand rails, and elevator buttons.
*As this situation continues to unfold, please visit Centers for Disease
Control, and World
Health Organization websites for more up to date information.